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TEMTIA 11 | 2024


The Allen Institute for Cell Science is excited to host the 11th EMT International Association (TEMTIA 11) meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA. November 12-15, 2024. Please find meeting information below. 

The epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a cell state change during which cells transition from stationary to migratory behavior. This transition happens in various contexts, including normal and disease states. EMT involves numerous changes across multiple cell characteristics, adding to the complexity of defining this process consistently and universally. TEMTIA 11 will embrace this challenge, drawing strength from the diversity of the field, bringing together experts across contexts, perspectives, and scales of study and organizing them across (rather than within) sessions with common themes. These will include topics such as data integration, microscopy in EMT, modeling of state changes, and more. We will host poster sessions to foster productive communication and collaboration.

Nov 12 - 15, 2024

Allen Institute

Texture Background Image

Schedule & Agenda

The meeting will include a range of activities to facilitate communication, collaboration, and networking. Workshop details will be shared closer to the event.

Scientific Sessions

  1. Novel insights from multi-modal analysis and integration of different data types
  2. Imaging EMT: cutting-edge microscopy reveals new insight
  3. Commonalities between EMT contexts
  4. Modeling state change in EMT
  5. Cell mechanics: shapes, geometries, and migration
  6. Mesenchymal to Epithelial Transition


Registration & Pricing

TEMTIA 11 is a four-day, in-person meeting. Registration cost includes workshops, poster sessions, scientific talks, and all meals during event hours. To attend the Gala Reception, add this to your ticket selection at registration. Registration is closed. 

  • General Ticket | Workshops & Meeting: $500 | Gala Reception: $100
  • TEMTIA Member Ticket | Workshops & Meeting: $450 | Gala Reception: $75
  • Trainee* Ticket | Workshops & Meeting: $400 | Gala Reception : $50  (*trainee refers to any undergraduate, graduate, or postdoc trainee)

Workshop Sponsors

We are proud to announce that Argolight and Nikon will be sponsoring the TEMTIA 11 Workshops. More details to be announced.


Betty Hay Award

The EMT field has developed from the pioneering work of Dr. Elizabeth Hay and her students during the late 1970s when she began to discuss the differences between epithelial cells and mesenchymal cells in the embryo. The first experimental investigation of EMT developed from the immersion of embryonic epithelial cells into an extracellular matrix (Greenburg and Hay, 1982). Further details about the pioneering work of Dr Hay and the Betty Hay Award are available here.

TEMTIA recognizes her seminal contributions to the field through the Betty Hay Award for a young female scientist who has received her PhD within the last 10 year. The successful Betty Hay Award recipient will receive an award of AU$1000.00.

Betty Hay Award applications are currently closed. 

Guidelines and how to apply:

  • The applicant must be a current member of TEMTIA.
  • The applicant must be registered for the meeting.
  • The Betty Hay Award is open to female postdoctoral research scientists and early stage faculty who have received their PhDs within the last 10 years.
  • Step one: Email curriculum vitae to; no more than one single sheet and include a list of recent publications.
  • Step two: Submit an abstract submission for presentation.


This event will be held at the Allen Institute, a 270,000-square-foot life sciences building, located in the South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle. The building is purpose-built for life science research and facilitates our trademark team science approach amid abundant natural light and with stunning views of the city.

Please contact with questions.

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