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Immune Health and Aging

Interrogating immune cell types and functionality in diverse human populations across health and aging.

Goals and Approach

The Immune Health and Aging Program at the Allen Institute for Immunology is focused on what defines a healthy immune system across age. Their interdisciplinary team of immunologists, technology developers, computational biologists and cloud computing specialists collaborate with researchers from around the world to enable large-scale studies on diverse human populations using cutting-edge, multi-omic tools that include single cell technologies, plasma proteomics, and integrative tissue biology techniques. They use these tools to deeply interrogate healthy immune responses and how these responses change with age, time and location. They strive to accelerate the understanding of immune heterogeneity and causes of age-related immune dysfunction and disease, and provide these foundational scientific resources to the global research community as part of a data exploration and integrative analysis platform. 

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Research Details


The Immune Health and Aging Program, through its interdisciplinary nature, specializes in the application of innovative and novel technologies to address gaps in knowledge about human immune health. For example, using a tri-modal single cell technology called TEA-seq (measures transcription, open chromatin, and cell surface proteins) recently developed by our molecular biology team, we investigated the impact of age on T cells from healthy children and adults. This study revealed broad molecular re-programming of naïve T cells across age and led to the discovery of a novel population of T cells preferentially present in children. 

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