Solving the mysteries of bioscience
Foundational Science Fuels Breakthroughs
Inspiring Next-Generation Scientists
Play a bingo game by identifying structures and organelles in real cell images.
About this activity:
This bingo game pairs images of real human cells from the Allen Institute for Cell Science with descriptions of important cell structures and concepts in cell biology. For each bingo square, students identify a cellular structure or important concept in cell biology based on an image and a description. The provided materials include a slide deck with the images and descriptions and 30 different bingo cards.
Bingo Clues
Bingo Cards
The images shown on the bingo slides come from the Allen Cell Explorer, an open data set featuring tens of thousands of research-grade cell images. To help them identify cell structures, students are encouraged to refer to the Visual Guide to Human Cells, an interactive resource developed specifically for students that explores and explains the functions of cell structures.
Reading & resources: