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Jeremy Miller, Ph.D.

Scientist, Sr.


Dr. Miller joined the Allen Institute in 2011 to help with computational data analysis of the Allen Human Brain Atlas project.  He is first author on several major manuscripts describing the Allen Institute’s large-scale transcriptomic resources on the adult and developing human and non-human primate brain, including the Aging, Dementia, and Traumatic Brain Injury Study. Miller received his Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA, where he studied gene expression changes in the brain in Alzheimer's disease and normal aging in the lab of Dr. Daniel Geschwind.

Research Focus:

Miller's current work focuses in three general areas: (1) characterizing cell types of the mammalian brain and their underlying features, including molecular pathways unique to human; (2) understanding how features of these cell types change with disease in human; and (3) developing tools for standardizing cell type taxonomies and for communicating cell type findings to the general scientific community.

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