Solving the mysteries of bioscience
Foundational Science Fuels Breakthroughs
Inspiring Next-Generation Scientists
Meet neuroscientists from the Allen Institute at this year’s Society for Neuroscience conference. Visit us at booth #1312, attend our talks and events, register for our Satellite Workshop, and stop by one of our many posters.
San Diego, CA
8:00AM PT
The Allen Institute for Brain Science is releasing open resources for the study of cell types, including single-cell transcriptomic, electrophysiology, morphology, and multimodal patch-seq data; corresponding analysis tools; and taxonomies and standards. At this workshop, learn about the Allen Institute’s research in cell types, and the open resources available through the Allen Brain Map, and their applications. Free advance registration is strongly encouraged.
Saturday, November 12, 2022, 7:30-10:30am, Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Pacific Ballroom 14-17
Meet neuroscientists from the Allen Institute, learn about our open resources, talk to our recruiting team about career opportunities, and more at our booth #1312.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
Monday, November 14, 12–1pm: Understanding Brain Cell Type Diversity. Hongkui Zeng, Allen Institute for Brain Science. Ballroom 20 and livestreamed.
Monday, November 14, 2022, 9:30am – 12pm
Minisymposium: High-Throughput Interrogation of Neurons Using Barcoding-Based Strategies, chaired by Xiaoyin Chen, Allen Institute for Brain Science. SDCC 28. Presentation, 10:35-10:55am: Xiaoyin Chen, Modular and hierarchical cell type organization of cortical areas revealed by in situ sequencing.
Nanosymposium: On Neural Connectomics. SDCC25. Presentation, 1:00-1:15pm: Pooja Balaram, A pipeline for high resolution axonal connectomics in nonhuman primates and humans.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 2:00-4:30pm
Nanosymposium: Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Cell Type Atlas of the Whole Mouse Brain. SDCC 1. Presentation, 1:00-1:15pm: Michael Kunst, A whole-brain mouse spatial transcriptomics atlas Presentation, 1:45-2:00pm: Zizhen Yao, A whole mouse brain transcriptomic cell type atlas
Symposium: High-Resolution Electrophysiology: Experiment and Theory. SDCC 6B. Presentation, 2:25-2:45pm: Josh Siegle: Using Neuropixels to survey the mouse visual system (and beyond)
Sunday, November 13, 6:30-9:30pm
Tools, Tech & Theory: A BRAIN Initiative Alliance Social at the 2022 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. The Allen Institute for Brain Science is a sponsor and participant in this Brain Initiative meeting. At this social, meet leading toolmakers supported by the BRAIN Initiative. Hilton Bayfront.
Monday, November 14, 11am-12pm
BICCN applications and data portals for neuroanatomy and connectomics. Rachel Dalley, Pooja Balaram, and Zizhen Yao. Learn about selected BICCN tools and datasets. Allen Institute booth #1312.
Monday, November 14, 12-2pm
PDW06. Brain data science: A world of new neuroscience career opportunities. Saskia de Vries. Professional development session, SDCC 31ABC.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 11am-12pm
BICCN and Allen Brain Map applications enabling users to explore, visualize, and download multimodal datasets describing mammalian brain cell types. Patrick Ray, Raymond Sanchez, Jeremy Miller. Learn about selected BICCN tools and datasets. Allen Institute booth #1312.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 1-2pm
AT the Visual Cortex Mapping Synapses with Correlative Array Tomography. Jenna Schardt. Hosted by ZEISS, booth #2228.
* presenting author
Saturday, November 12, 1:00-5:00pm
031.08. Identifying cell-type specific actions of psychedelic drugs psilocybin and psilocin on mouse and human neocortical neurons. Ng L*, Kim D-W, Kalmbach BE, Owen SF, Keen CD, Ferreria M, Ko A, Ojeman JG, Hauptmen J, Cobbs C, Zeng H, Lein E, Ting JK, Koch C.
031.09. Characterization of AAV-based genetic tools for marking somatostatin and chandelier cells across species. Machen D*, Mich JK, Leytze M, Kalmbach BE, Kim M, Weed N, Radaelli, Ng L, Omstead V, Taskin N, Hunker A, Martinez RA, Graybuck LT, Smith KA, Canfield R, Kojim Y, Horwitz GD, Zeng H, Daigle TL, Tasic B, Lein E, Levi BP.
031.11. Areal specializations in L6 extratelencephalic-projecting neuron morpho-electric and transcriptomic properties in the primate neocortex. Radaelli C, Alfiler L, Bertagnolli D, Dalley R, Hudson M, Omstead V, Opitz-Araya X, Rimorin C, Taskin N, Tieu M, Weed NJ, Wilson J, Bakken T, Smith KA, Sorensen SA, Lein E, Perlmutter SI, Spain WJ, Ting JT, Dembrow NC, Kalmbach BE*.
031.13. Cross species comparison of short-term synaptic dynamics in mammalian cortex. Kim M*, Radaelli C, Chartrand T, Kalmbach BE, Campagonla L, Seeman SC, Dee N, Taskin N, Weed NJ, Casper T, Clark M, Gloe J, Ho W, Ko A, Ojemann JG, Silbergeld DL, Gwinn RP, Cobbs C, Keene CD, Jarsky T, Zeng H, Ting JT, Lein E.
031.14. Morphoelectric and transcriptomic divergence of the layer 1 interneuron repertoire in human versus mouse neocortex. Chartrand T*, Dalley R, Kalmbach RE, Miller JA, Ting JT, Molnar G, Goriounova N, Lee BR, Smith KA, Mukora A, Bakken T, Galakhova A, Heistek TS, Mann R, Tieu M, Ko A, Ojemann JG, Cobbs C, Gwinn R, Keene CD, Patel A, Silbergeld DL, Ellenbogen RG, Hauptman JS, Sorensen SA, Zeng H, De Kock CP, Tamas G, Mansvelder H, Lein E.
031.16. Cross-species taxonomies of primate basal ganglia cell types defined by single nucleus RNA-sequencing. Wirthlin M*, Johansen N, Miller JA, Yanny AM, Ferrer R, Siletti K, Canfield R, Goldy J, Guilford N, Guzman J, Hirchstein D, Omstead V, Pham T, Shapovalova N, Somasundaram S, Taskin N, Torkelson A, Weed NJ, Keene CD, Linnarsson S, Kojima Y, Horwitz G, Levi BP, Ting JT, Smith KA, Hodge RD, Bakken TE, Lein ES.
031.18. A collection of enhancer-AAVs reveals distinct glial populations across the brain in multiple species. Levi BP*, Mich JK, Leytze M, Martinez RA, Johansen N, Opitz-Araya X, Mahoney JT, Loftus L, Omstead V, Taskin N, Weed NJ, Dee N, Casper T, Goldy J, Bishaw Y, Machen DM, Gore BB, Morin E, Canfield R, Smith KA, Waters J, Yao S, Bakken T, Kojima Y, Horwitz GD, Zeng H, Daigle TL, tasic B, Lein ES, Ting J.
031.19. Signature morpho-electric properties of diverse GABAergic interneurons in the human neocortex. Dalley R*, Lee BL*, Miller JA, Chartrand T, Kalmbach BE, Ng L, Mann R, Mukora A, Gloe J, Abdelhak A, Ho W, Bakken T, Johansen N, Hodge RD, Dee N, Smith KA, Goriounova N, Gwinn RP, Silbergeld DL, Cobbs C, Ojemann JG, Ko AL, Tamas G, Mansvelder HD, De Kock CP Levi BP, Berg J, Sorensen SA, Lein E, Ting JT.
031.21. Intrinsic oscillatory properties of the supragranular pyramidal neuron types in the motor and temporal cortex of the macaque. Radaelli C*, Hudson M, Omstead V, Opitz-Araya X, Taskin N, Weed NJ, Smith KA, Rimorin C, Tieu M, Bertagnolli D, Bakken T, Lein E, Perlmutter SI, Spain WJ, Ting JT, Kalmbach BE, Dembrow NC.
031.23. Cellular and molecular specialization of functional areas in human neocortex. Jorstad N, Johansen N*, Barkan E, Bertagnolli D, Casper T, Crichton K, Dee N, Ding S, Goldy J, Hirchstein D, Kroll M, McMillen D, Pham T, Rimorin C, Shapovalova N, Shehata S, Siletti K, Somasundaram S, Sulc J, Tieu M, Torkelson A, Tung H, Yanny AM, Keene CD, Levi BP, Linnarsson S, Smith KA, Hodge RD, Bakken TE, Lein ES.
031.24. A multimodal atlas of the molecular and cellular changes to cortex driven by Alzheimer’s disease. Travaglini K*, Gabitto M, Ding Y, Mahoney JT, Ariza J, Casper T, Clark M, Crane PK, Dee N, Gloe J, Goldy J, Grabowski T, Guzmann J, Hawrylycz MJ, Jayadev S, Kaplan ES, Larson E, Latimer C, Melief E, Meyerdierks E, Mukherjee S, Pham T, Rachleff VM, Torkelson A, Smith KA, Keene CD, Lein E, Levi B, Hodge RD, Miller JA.
031.25. Spatial mapping of human cortical cell types with Alzheimer’s disease progression. Close J*, Long B, Gelfand E, Kunst M, Maltzer Z, Hupp M, McMillen D, Campos J, Hodge R, Miller JA, Travaglini K, Gabitto M, Waters J, Keene CD, Lein E.
031.26. Inter-individual genomic and transcriptomic variation in human cortical cell type. Somasundaram S*, Nohansen N, Yanny AM, Shumyatcher M, Casper T, Cobbs C, Dee N, Ellenbogen R, Ferreira M, Goldy J, Guzman J, Gwinn R, Hirchstein D, Jorstad N, Keene CD, Ko A, Levi B, Ojemann JG, Pham T, Shapovalova N, Silbergeld D, Sulc J, Torkelson A, Travaglini K, Tung H, Smith KA, Lein E, Bakken T, Hodge R, Miller JA.
031.27. SEA-AD: Leveraging quantitative neuropathology, single-cell omics, and spatial transcriptomics to create an open access atlas of Alzheimer’s disease. Miller JA*, Hawrylycz MJ, Ariza J, Ding SL, Esposito LA, Gala R, Kaplan ES, Melief EJ, Nolan AL, Nyhus J, Rachleff VM, Travaglini KJ, Close JL, Crane PJK, Darvas M, Gabitto MI, Grabowski TJ, Hodge RD, Jayadev S, Latimer CS, Levi BP, MacDonald CL, Mukherjee S, Smith KA, Wang M, Larson EB, Keene CD, Lein ES.
083.18. Modular and hierarchical cell type organization of cortical areas revealed by in situ sequencing. Chen X*, Fischer S, Zhang A, Gillis J, Zador AM.
083.19. Single-cell transcriptomics of the aging mouse brain. Jin K*, Van Velthoven C, Smith K, Goldy J, Levi B, Dee N, Ronellenfitch K, Yao Z, Zeng H, Tasic B.
083.20. Multiple modality classification of long-range projecting glutamatergic neurons in mouse visual cortex. Sorensen S*, Gouwens N, Wang Y, Baftizadeh F, Budzillo A, Dalley R, Leey BR, Mallory M, Mann R, Lee C, Gliko O, Mukora A, Williams G, Alfiler L, Wilson J, Kuo H, Yao S, Lesnar P, Shen E, Kuang X, Li Y, El-Hifnawi L, Sümbül U, Ng L, Yao Z, Tasic B, Zeng H.
083.21. Characterization of cocaine-induced neural activation and gene expression change in transcriptomic cell types of mouse mesocortocolimbic areas. Kim D-W*, Lee C, Casper T, Gloe J, Clark M, Pham T, Torkelson A, Goldy J, Ferrer R, Guzmann J, Smith KA, Dee N, Yao Z, Zeng H.
088.06. Compression strategies for large-scale high-density electrophysiology data. Buccino A*, Siegle J, Feng D, Svoboda K.
Saturday, November 12, 1:00-5:00pm – Sunday, November 13, 8:00am-5:00pm
023.15. Open science for education: Leveraging open resources from the Allen Institute to teach neuroscience concepts and skills. Casimo K*.
024.14. Centralized morphology toolkit for students and professionals. Alfiler L*, Gamlin C, Mukora A*, Bohn P, Mallory M, Williams G, Wilson JA, Dalley R, Casimo K, Sorensen SA.
Sunday, November 13, 8am-12pm
115.08. Optical brain computer interface for measuring circuit plasticity during learning. Daie K*, Rozsa M, Humphreys P, Lillicrap TP, Clopath C, Grabska-Barwinska A, Kulkarni M, Kinsey L, Botvinick MM, Svoboda K.
144.14. Learning-induced immediate-early gene expression in the amygdala. Hagihara KM*, Karalis N, Luthi A.
Sunday, November 13, 1-5pm
191.07. Neural microcircuits underlying EEG responses evoked by electrical stimulation in mice. Russo S*, Rembado I, Claar L, Marks L, Koch C.
217.15. Optogenetic mapping of neuronal interactions in the motor cortex during goal-directed behavior. Finkelstein A, Daie K, Rosza M*, Darshan R, Svoboda K.
234.16. Locus coeruleus norepinephrine neurons modulate reinforcement learning. Su Z*, Cohen JY.
245.04. Ontologies to support BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) data and future expansion. Ray PL*, Tan SZ, Baker PM, Gillespie T, Kir H, Ng L, Osumi-Sutherland D, Thompson C.
245.05. A guide to five years of data from the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN). Thompson C*, Bandrowski AE, Baker K, Baker PM, Bishwakarma, Fliss T, Ray PL, Kruse L, Ng L, Tickle T, Martone ME, Hawrylycz MJ.
Monday, November 14, 8am-12pm
328.08. Collaborative use of conjugate array tomography to characterize synapses in mouse neocortex. Schardt JL*, Simhal AK, Micheva KD, Smith SJ, Weinberg RJ.
Monday, November 14, 1-5pm
328.15. High resolution mapping of individual axonal projections in human white matter tracts. Turschak E*, MacLennan B, Hellevik A, Peterson E, Balaram P, Takasaki K, Taormina MJ, Torres R, Gliko O, Seshamani S, Bhaskaran S, Perlman E, Vumbaco D, Zhuang J, Keene CD, Reid RC.
406.02. A selective role for the medial prefrontal cortex during spatial serial reversal learning. Gillis RM*, Kidder KS, Mizumori SJY.
Tuesday, November 15, 8am-12pm
469.08. Characterizing the connectivity patterns of patch-seq derived types using morphological analysis of electron microscopy data. Joyce EM*, Mallory M, Schneider-Mizell C, Gamlin C, Gouwens N, Sorensen S, Macarico da Costa N, Collman F.
469.14. Inhibitory connectivity across cell types in an electron microscopy reconstruction of a mouse cortical column. Schneider-Mizell C, Bodor AL, Buchanan J, Seshamani S, Elabbady L, Brittain D, Dorkenwald S, Takeno MM, Reimer J, Tolias AS, Seung H, Reid R, Collman FC, Da Costa NM*.
498.06. A scalable and modular automated pipeline for stiching of large electron microscopy datasets. Mahalingam G, Torres R*, Kapner D, Trautman ET, Fliss T, Seshamani S, Perlman E, Young R, Kinn S, Buchanan J, Takeno MM, Yin W, Bumbarger DJ, Gwinn R, Nyhus JK, Lein E, Smith SJ, Reid C, Khairy K, Saalfeld S, Collman FC, Da Costa NM.
545.06. Virtual only. Contribution of different sources of variability changes along the mouse visual hierarchy. Jia X*, Iyer R, Denman D, Siegle J, Akella S, Olsen SR, Koch C.
Wednesday, November 16, 8am-12pm.
634.16. State dependency of neuronal variability. Akella S*, Ledochowitsch P, Siegle J, Belski H, Buice MA, Durand S, Koch C, Olsen SR, Jia X.
Wednesday, November 16, 1:00-5:00pm
748.03. Deep Learning: Theory and Application. Dunster G*.
749.09. Neural population dynamics of computing with synaptic modulations. Aitken K*, Mihalas S.
750.04. The Open Ephys GUI: A collaboratively developed platform for high-channel-count electrophysiology data acquisition. Kulik P*, Doshi A, Cuevas Lopez A, Voigt J, Siegle JH.
03.15.2025 | 10:00AM-5:00PM
03.17.2025 - 03.19.2025