Solving the mysteries of bioscience
Foundational Science Fuels Breakthroughs
Inspiring Next-Generation Scientists
Meet scientists from the Allen Institute for Cell Science, learn about our open resources, talk to our recruiting team about career opportunities, and more at booth #514 at Cell Bio 2023.
Boston, Massachusetts
Graduate, Postdocs, Scientists, Undergraduate
Meet our scientists, researchers, educators, and recruiting staff from the Allen Institute for Cell Science at booth #514 to learn about our open science resources and job opportunities. Learn about data, visualization tools, software, and human iPS cell lines available on the Allen Cell Explorer.
Saurabh Mogre from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a talk on Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 11:15am – 11:30am EST on Evaluating rules of intracellular organization in human induced pluripotent stem cells using generative computational models via cellPACK.
Talk Subgroup: Building the cell
Saurabh Mogre will present a poster on this topic on Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 12:15pm – 3:15pm during the Computational Cell Biology/Bioinformatics Session.
11:15am - 11:30am EST
Gideon Dunster from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a talk on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 1:15pm EST on Streamlining deep-learning based 3D segmentation and application-appropriate validation of quantitative image-based assays.
Talk Subgroup: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Cell Imaging
Gideon Dunster will also present a poster on this topic on Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 12:15pm – 3:15pm during the Computational Cell Biology/Bioinformatics session.
1:15pm EST
Thao Do from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a talk on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 1:35pm on Accelerating Cell Biology with Scientific Illustration & User Experience Design.
Talk Subgroup: Science and Art: Bridging Two Creative Universes
Thao Do will also present a poster on this topic on Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 12:15pm – 3:15pm during the New Technologies for Cell Biology 1 session.
1:35pm EST
Susanne Rafelski from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a talk on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 1:56pm EST on A practical approach to establishing a conceptual framework for holistic cell states and state transitions.
Talk Subgroup: MBoC Highlights: The Future of Cell Biology
1:56pm EST
Gideon Dunster from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Streamlining deep-learning based 3D segmentation and application-appropriate validation of quantitative image-based assays.
Poster Session: Computational Cell Biology/Bioinformatics
Board/Poster Numbers: B634/P1611
12:15pm - 3:15pm EST
Saurabh Mogre from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Evaluating rules of intracellular organization in human induced pluripotent stem cells using generative computational models via cellPACK.
Board/Poster Numbers: B648 / P1625
Nathalie Gaudreault from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: A fully annotated, quality controlled single cell 3D image dataset of hiPSCs from the Allen Cell Collection for exploration and reuse.
Poster Session: Imaging Technologies, Single Molecule Imaging, and Super-Resolution 1
Board/Poster Numbers: B53/P1051
Jessica Yu from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Integrating high resolution 3D live cell imaging and agent-based modeling to explore rules driving human induced pluripotent stem cell shape dynamics.
Board/Poster Numbers: B641 / P1618
Blair Lyons from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Integrating spatial biophysical simulations across scales and methods using Simularium and Vivarium.
Board/Poster Numbers: B631/ P1608
Karthik Vegesna from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Integrating spatial biophysical simulations across scales and methods.
Board/Poster Numbers: B632/P1609
Ritvik Vasan from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Quantifying the morphological variability of nuclear structures using conditional variational autoencoders and appropriate data representations.
Board/Poster Numbers: B635/P1612
Suraj Mishra from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: MegaSeg: A structure agnostic deep learning model for intracellular structure segmentation in 3D fluorescence microscopy images.
Poster Session: New Technologies for Cell Biology 1
Board/Poster Numbers: B44/P1042
Thao Do from the Allen Institute for Cell Science will present a poster on Accelerating Cell Biology with Scientific Illustration & User Experience Design.
Board/Poster Numbers: B48/P1046
Gaea Turman from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Illuminating dynamic cellular states in hiPSCs through endogenous gene tagging.
Poster Session: Imaging Technologies, Single Molecule Imaging, and Super-Resolution 2
Board/Poster Numbers: B57/P1788
Becky Zaunbrecher from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Re-orientation and subcellular re-organization of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells in response to shear stress.
Poster Session: Blood Cells and Vessels
Board/Poster Numbers: B753 / P2461
Leigh Harris from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Cell organization and basement membrane dynamics during the epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) from 2D and 3D human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) cultures.
Poster Session: Engineering Tissues and Organs
Board/Poster Numbers: B653/P2365
Nivedita Nivedita from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Characterizing cell states by integrating cell behavior, organization, and molecular census in migratory cells from the epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs).
Poster Session: Signaling Networks Governing Cell Migration 2
Board/Poster Numbers: B526 / P2970
Nivedita Nivedita will also present a talk on this subject on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 from 9:39am – 9:55am during the Beyond Pretty Pictures: Quantitative Methods for Learning Cell Biology from Microscopy Datasets subgroup.
Chantelle Leveille from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a poster on: Growth dynamics and size homeostasis of nuclei in growing human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) colonies.
Poster Session: Nuclear Organization: The Heart of Cellular Harmony
Board/Poster Numbers: B442/P2889
Graham Johnson, Jessica Yu, and Blair Lyons are presenting their talk on: Advancing cell biology by harnessing open-source modeling and facilitating broad community collaboration.
Talk Subgroup: Biophysical Modeling of the Cell
9:18am - 9:42am EST
Nivedita Nivedita from the Allen Institute for Cell Science is presenting a talk on Characterizing cell states by integrating cell behavior, organization, and molecular census in migratory cells from the epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs).
Talk Subgroup: Beyond Pretty Pictures: Quantitative Methods for Learning Cell Biology from Microscopy Datasets
9:39am - 9:55am EST
03.11.2025 | 12:00PM-2:30PM
03.15.2025 | 10:00AM-5:00PM
03.17.2025 - 03.19.2025