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Sherry Marcus, Ph.D.



Sherry Marcus is Managing Director and head of the Blackrock Artificial Intelligence (AI) Labs. Blackrock is one of the largest investment firms in the world with approximately $6.96 trillion in assets under management. Blackrock AI lab’s major objective is to develop and inject large scale data analytics artifacts and methods in key strategic areas of the firm. Prior to Blackrock, Sherry Marcus was Chief Data Analytics Officer at Millennium Partners (MLP) where she led the development of integration of the AWS public cloud initiative that integrated, and resolved position, reference, and e-communication data sets in the delivery of next-gen analytic artifacts to the business. Prior to MLP, Sherry Marcus was Global Head of Big Data Analytics and created solutions that merged private banking, communication, and news data for client analytics, and developed solutions in support of prime services. In her previous positions, Sherry Marcus held mission critical roles in the intelligence community and DoD while leading a series of highly successful scalable analytics solution in support of national missions in counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, counter-intelligence, and naval surface warfare. Sherry Marcus is a member of the science board at the National Counter Terrorism Center. She has received the technical medal of excellence from the Central Intelligence Agency. She has authored over 40 papers in nationally recognized journals and is a recognized expert in large scale graph analytics and learning. Sherry Marcus holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Mathematics and an AB from Cornell University.

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