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Olga Gliko, Ph.D.

Scientist, Sr.


Olga Gliko joined the Allen Institute in 2015. She works in the Human Cell Types group with Stephen Smith, where she develops advanced instrumentation to study molecular and structural characteristics of different types of synaptic connections. She received her undergraduate training and Ph.D in physics from Moscow State University in Russia, where she built nonlinear optical devices based on novel materials. Her postdoctoral work at the University of Houston focused on developing a phase-shifting interferometry to study protein crystallization. Her previous research at Baylor College of Medicine included developing super-resolution microscopy for real-time imaging of biological nanostructures, as well as studying signal transmission and processing in subcellular neuronal microcircuits in vivo using two-photon microscopy. Before joining the Allen Institute, she was a senior scientist at Ensysce Biosciences, a biotech company developing novel cancer therapeutics based on carbon nanotubes as drug delivery agents.

Research Focus:

My role is to develop new technologies and unique research instrumentation to support brain science projects. Specifically, I am interested in developing methods for studying molecular diversity in mammalian synapses. Currently, I am working on integration of array tomography and standing wave super-resolution fluorescence microscopy for fast high-resolution imaging of the structure and molecular composition of a single synapse.


  • Advanced imaging systems

  • Super-resolution microscopy

  • Two photon microscopy

  • Image processing

  • Electrophysiology

  • Nanotechnology

Research Programs

  • Human Cell Types

Science Programs at Allen Institute