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Jennifer Nemhauser

Jennifer Nemhauser, Ph.D.

University of Washington


Dr. Jennifer Nemhauser is a Professor of Excellence in Biology at the University of Washington. Her research sits at the intersection of transcriptional regulation, phytohormone signaling, development, systems and synthetic biology. Before coming to Seattle, Jennifer did her doctoral work on auxin and flower development at UC Berkeley with Dr. Patricia Zambryski, followed by an NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship on hormone-hormone and hormone-light interactions during seedling development at the Salk Institute with Dr. Joanne Chory. As a faculty member, Jennifer has been recognized as a UW Outstanding Undergraduate Mentor, a 2010 Allen Distinguished Investigator, and a 2016 HHMI Faculty Scholar, among other awards. As part of her work as a scientist and a faculty member, Jennifer pursues every opportunity to disrupt structural inequities in academic science including systemic racism, transphobia and ableism. Some public-facing examples of these efforts include: co-founding the DiversifyPlantSci database; being a founding supporter of the Front & Center Project, a network of Black, Indigenous and Latine Plant Scientists; and recording the SRSLY?SRSLY series of audio reflections on building inclusive lab culture.

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