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Ellie Theobald Headshot

Elli Theobald, Ph.D.

University of Washington, Department of Biology


Elli is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington. Research in her group focuses on equity in higher education STEM classes, with a particular focus on the student experience in introductory STEM courses. They use quantitative and sometimes qualitative approaches to: 1) describe inequities; 2) identify instructor and systemic practices that disrupt inequities; and 3) scale equitable practices to all classes in all STEM disciplines. Elli received her undergraduate degree in Biology from Colby College in Maine, earned a Master’s in Education from Alliant International University in San Francisco, and earned a PhD in ecology, from the University of Washington in Seattle. After her PhD, she transitioned to discipline-based education research as a postdoc, then served as a Teaching Professor in Biology for four years. Prior to working in higher education, Elli was a middle school and high school teacher, where she taught 7th, 8th, and 9th grade math and science.

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