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Daniel Toloudis, M.S.

Associate Director, SW Engineering


I am a Associate Director, SW Engineering specializing in graphics.  I work on visualizing 3D imaging data – in particular, displaying volumetric images of cells.  My current project is part of the Allen Cell Explorer, a web portal for browsing thousands of individual cell images.

My prior experience has been in various software industries from business tools for office furniture layout, to cinematic animation production, to web marketing and mobile devices.  In all cases I was most interested and involved in providing interesting and interactive 3D imagery to end users.

I received my Bachelors in Physics from Johns Hopkins University and a Masters from the University of Oregon, with some research on experimental particle physics and some on laser optics.

Research Focus:

Research Interests

My research interests are in high quality rendering on GPU: maximizing the use of all computing resources available to create the best images possible in the shortest time.



  • Interactive and realtime computer graphics

  • 3D

  • Rendering

  • GPU programming

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