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Researchers at the Allen Institute for Immunology working in the lab

In the News

NPR: Pain, fatigue, fuzzy thinking: How long COVID disrupts the brain


Torgerson of the Allen Institute was part of a team that studied blood samples from 55 people who had symptoms at least 60 days after a COVID...

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Illustration showing a long road leading towards a coronavirus


Lab Notes | The mystery of long COVID


Where are we with long COVID? Researchers at the Allen Institute and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center are working to understand the science behind this...

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Mallory Rath, a long covid patient, posing during a hike.


Long COVID’s long fallout


Patients share their experiences of ongoing, debilitating symptoms nearly 3 years after initial infection 

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Data heat map from long covid research by the Allen Institute for Immunology


Many long COVID patients suffer from persistent inflammation, study finds


Molecular footprint of the chronic condition could help guide clinical trial and treatment decisions

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Look in the labs | Immunology


What makes the human immune system healthy, and what goes wrong in disease?

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Palak Genge an Allen Institute researcher


3 immune mysteries of COVID-19 — and 1 big success story


The pandemic has revealed how much we really don’t know about our own immune systems, experts say

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Palak Genge an Allen Institute researcher


New study aims to answer pressing COVID-19 question: Why do some die while others don’t even know they are sick?


Seattle-area research organizations team up for a deep dive into patients’ immune responses to the novel coronavirus; results could contribute to...

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Q&A with a bioinformatics expert on the challenges of studying human immunology


Xiaojun Li shares the career path that brought him to become Director of Bioinformatics at the Allen Institute for Immunology, and why he’s excited...

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Illustration of COVID


Lab Notes | SCANning for coronavirus


The SCAN study launched to track Covid-19 in the Seattle area led by Allen Discovery Center leader Dr. Jay Shendure

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Cartoon image of monster chomping at a coronavirus


Could treatments aimed at Alzheimer’s disease help combat COVID-19?


A team of cardiology researchers had a creative idea for a new way to treat dementia. Now they think it could help coronavirus patients too.

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Coronavirus with monster shadow illustration


Lab Notes | Taming the beast


When the first COVID-19 cases began arriving at hospitals int he U.S., doctors nicknamed the illness "The Beast" because of the way it attacked the...

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Image of two scientists wearing masks in the lab


Team science in the era of remote work


As the COVID-19 pandemic dictates physical distance and many scientists are working from home, how can teams pivot to pull off coordinated research...

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Illustration of woman in mask that is detecting coronavirus


Scientists are working on a face mask that detects coronavirus


Q&A with James Collins, Ph.D., a bioengineer who is developing a diagnostic face mask that signals if the wearer is infected with COVID-19

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Illustration showing a mask with virus coming out


Lab Notes | A wearable diagnostic for COVID-19


What if there were a face mask that could tell you you’re infected with coronavirus before you ever show symptoms?

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