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In the News
Dec 8, 2014
Science - Eleven years after he established an institute dedicated to mapping the brain, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is announcing a sequel: the...
Nov 25, 2014
Discover Magazine - Scientists imaged more than 1,700 mouse brains to build the most comprehensive mammalian brain map yet.
Nov 16, 2014
NPR - Patterns of gene expression in human and mouse brains suggest that cells known as glial cells may have helped us evolve brains that can acquire...
Nov 6, 2014
Scientific America - Scientific American MIND reflects on the major discoveries of the past decade that have transformed how we think about the brain.
Jun 20, 2014
The Globe and Mail - For a place designed to explore what makes us who we are, the Allen Institute for Brain Science could hardly be in a more fitting...
Jun 4, 2014
Puget Sound Business Journal - The Allen Institute for Brain Science has won a $3.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for...
Apr 2, 2014
Yahoo - Scientists have created a detailed, three-dimensional wiring diagram of the mouse brain.
Wired - Scientists released the most detailed map ever made of the fetal human brain today.
The Scientist - Researchers complete an atlas depicting gene expression across the developing human brain.
Reuters - A year to the day after U.S. President Barack Obama announced a $100 million “BRAIN Initiative.”