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In the News
Jul 13, 2016
Wired - Researchers at the Allen Brain Observatory mapped the visual cortices of 35 mice while they watched the classic Touch of Evil. Well, part of...
STAT - For more than a decade, the Allen Institute for Brain Science has been digging into a simple question with labyrinthine answers: How does the...
NPR - Letting mice watch Orson Welles movies may help scientists explain human consciousness.
Nature - Allen Brain Observatory releases unprecedented survey of activity in the mouse visual cortex.
GeeWire - The Allen Brain Observatory is open for business, revealing what’s running through the mind of a mouse as it sees patterns of light and...
Forbes - While a mouse watches the infamous opening shot from Orson Welles’ 1958 movie A Touch of Evil, the neurons in its brain start firing as it...
May 19, 2016
The Daily - A collaboration between the Allen Institute for Brain Science, UW Pathology and Internal Medicine, and Group Health has led to expanded...
Apr 26, 2016
GeekWire - The database for the Aging, Dementia and Traumatic Brain Injury Study is hosted at the Allen Institute’s website.
Apr 6, 2016
Quanta Magazine - A race to decipher the brain’s algorithms could revolutionize machine learning.
Apr 1, 2016
Nature - Neuroscientists hope to turn the delicate art of eavesdropping on brain cells into an automated technique.