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In the News
Apr 5, 2017
Graham Johnson is an artist with a curious muse: the human cell. He’s the Matisse of mitochondria, the Goya of the Golgi apparatus.
Website contains thousands of 3D stem cell images and could help with better understanding diseases like cancer.
Imagine being able to see inside a transparent human stem cell, like the “Visible Man and Woman” models in biology class. That’s what the...
It could help understand factors behind cancer and other diseases.
Mar 31, 2017
Popular Science - Transplanting a whole eyeball is tough.
Nautilus - Consciousness is a thriving industry. It’s not just the meditation retreats and ayahuasca shamans.
Mar 30, 2017
The Verge - At first blush, a blind tadpole that’s had an eyeball grafted onto its tail sounds like a creature from a fairy tale.
New Scientist - Blind tadpoles have learned to see again, using eyes implanted on their tails.
Fierce Biotech - What can blind tadpoles teach us about improving organ transplants, correcting birth defects and curing cancer?
Mar 16, 2017
Seeker - After uncovering three giant neurons, scientists could be one step closer to pinpointing where consciousness lives in the brain.