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In the News
Dec 12, 2018
STAT - This past July, philanthropist Paul Allen spent hours grilling his team about an ambitious plan they were hatching: Expanding the Allen...
Forbes - “All summer long he was pinging us with emails. What are the big mysteries? This constant insatiable desire to know what was next. That...
Bloomberg - Paul Allen’s estate is making its first major philanthropic gift after his death, giving $125 million to establish a research division...
Nov 1, 2018
Scientific American - A detailed picture of cell types in some areas of the mouse cortex is put to the test
Oct 31, 2018
The Scientist - A pair of mouse studies describes neuronal subpopulations not identified before and some of their functions.
GeekWire - How many different kinds of cells are there in the brain? At least 133 kinds
Aug 27, 2018
Wired - Transcriptome sequencing technologies are opening the doors to a new era of cellular discovery, and not just in the brain.
NPR - Scientists have taken another step toward understanding what makes the human brain unique.
Forbes - An international team of 34 scientists has identified a new type of brain cell in humans not found in other well-studied species.
Jun 15, 2018
The Wall Street Journal - Thinking, moving, seeing—it all seems so easy.