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Allen Discovery Centers

The Allen Discovery Centers are leadership-driven, compass-guided research centers.

The Centers embody our commitment to launching and fostering development of entire new fields in biology—with infinite potential to impact human knowledge and health.

We make patient, long-term commitments to these Centers, typically providing $10 million for the first four years, with the potential to expand in a second four year phase with an additional $10 million, matched by partner support, for a potential total scope of activity of $30 million.

The Allen Discovery Centers interact—with each other, with the Allen Distinguished Investigators, and with the larger community—through a rich network of events and associations. Allen Discovery Center leaders and teams are essential members of our creative, passionate community of explorers.

Allen Discovery Center for Neuroimmune Interactions at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Active 2023 – Present

The Allen Discovery Center for Neuroimmune Interactions at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai was announced in 2023 to accelerate discoveries centered around how immune and nervous systems communicate.

Lead investigators: Brian S. Kim, M.D., David Artis, Ph.D.

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Allen Discovery Center for Neuroimmune web header showing cells

Allen Discovery Center for Cell Lineage Tracing at UW Medicine

Active 2017 – Present

The Allen Discovery Center for Cell Lineage Tracing at UW Medicine was announced in 2017 to generate global maps of cell lineage in complex organisms.

Lead investigators: Jay Shendure, M.D., Ph.D., Michael Elowitz, Ph.D., and Alex Schier, Ph.D.

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Allen Discovery Center for Human Brain Evolution at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Active 2017 – Present

The Allen Discovery Center for Human Brain Evolution at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School was announced in 2017 to understand how the human brain evolved and what makes it unique.

Leader investigators: Christopher A. Walsh, M.D., Ph.D., Michael Greenberg, Ph.D., and David E. Reich, Ph.D.


The Allen Discovery Center for Reading and Writing the Morphogenetic Code at Tufts University

Active 2016 – 2022

The Allen Discovery Center for Reading and Writing the Morphogenetic Code at Tufts University was announced in 2016 to read and write the code that controls organ shape in regeneration, growth, and cancer.

Lead investigator: Michael Levin, Ph.D.

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Flatworm image. The Allen Discovery Center for Reading and Writing the Morphogenetic Code at Tufts University was announced in 2016 to read and write the code that controls organ shape in regeneration, growth, and cancer.

Allen Discovery Center for Multiscale, Systems Modeling of Macrophage Infection at Stanford University

Active 2016 – 2021

The Allen Discovery Center for Multiscale, Systems Modeling of Macrophage Infection at Stanford University was announced in 2016 to drive progress in cutting-edge cell systems modeling to understand the complex multicellular basis of infectious disease.

Lead investigator: Markus Covert, Ph.D.

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Science Programs at Allen Institute