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Hamazaki Lab

We use and develop a stem-cell based embryo model that allow us to test out the synthesized DNA circuit in physiologically relevant context and to understand human developmental diseases.

The Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology is a collaboration between Allen Institute, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the University of Washington.

Goals and Approach

The Hamazaki lab has pioneered a stem cell technology that models post-implantation human embryo development, simulating the differentiation of neural, renal, cardiac, somatic, and endodermal lineages. This innovative platform enables the study of complex developmental processes without the ethical concerns associated with direct embryonic studies.

Human embryo development is orchestrated by the interplay of external signals, such as morphogens, and internal genetic networks. Disruptions in these pathways can lead to various developmental diseases, including neurodevelopmental disorders like spina bifida, congenital heart defects, renal dysplasia, polycystic kidney disease, and metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

Recording the intra- and extracellular activities during human development lays the groundwork for advancements in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. These advancements could significantly enhance diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, mitigating congenital defects and improving quality of life.

Nobuhiko Hamazaki headshot
Nobuhiko Hamazaki

Research Details

Human embryo development is orchestrated by the interplay of external signals, such as morphogens, and internal genetic networks.  

By perturbing these intra- and extracellular activities using stem cell-based human embryo models, we can gain valuable insights into the processes that occur under disease conditions. 

Human embryo development is orchestrated by the interplay of external signals, such as morphogens, and internal genetic networks. Recording these intra- and extracellular activities during human development lays the groundwork for advancing our understanding of human embryogenesis.

Connor Kubo headshot

Connor Kubo

Zukai Liu headshot

Zukai Liu

Stella Xu headshot

Stella Xu

Arata Wakimoto headshot

Arata Wakimoto

Science Programs at Allen Institute