All in
for understanding life and advancing health 

At the Allen Institute, we’re going all in to solve the mysteries of the brain, our cells, and the immune system.
Scientists gathering around performing an experiment together.

We’re pushing the frontiers of technology, too, because cutting-edge science requires cutting-edge tools

Our scientists developed a new microscope for whole brain imaging to investigate our neurons and their connections throughout the brain.

This technology is giving us an unprecedented high definition look at millions of individual neurons.

Our science is powering discovery 

Open science is at the core of all we do. From massive brain maps, cell atlases, and 3D modeling tools, to laboratory protocols, hardware blueprints, and more – our science resources are shared openly to support researchers in laboratories worldwide.

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Explore research at Allen Institute

Our foundational research accelerates discoveries about health and disease and serves as building blocks for new treatments and disease prevention.

  • ABC Atlas of whole mouse brain data
    Brain Science

    Characterizing and mapping brain cell types with unprecedented precision and scale.

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  • Colorful image of human cell highlighting key structures
    Cell Science

    Understanding human cells holistically and dynamically to predict and understand human health and disease.

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  • Research from an Allen Distinguished Investigator
    Frontiers Group

    Exploring the frontiers of bioscience and pushing science forward to advance human biology.

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  • Histology image from immunology research

    Working to understand the delicate balancing act of the human immune system—how it works when we’re healthy, and what goes wrong in disease.

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  • Colorful scientific image showing neuronal projections across the mouse brain
    Neural Dynamics

    Exploring the brain’s activity, at the level of individual neurons and the whole brain, to reveal how we interpret our environments to make decisions.

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  • Abstract colorful image collage of data from the Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology
    Seattle Hub

    Cracking the code of how changes in our genes manifest as changes in health and disease.

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  • image of the brain showing many cell bodies an IT neurons emphasised
    Brain & Consciousness

    Studying the neural substrate of consciousness in the mammalian brain.

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